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Beaufort Scale of Wind 蒲福风级表管理系统开发公司 上期龙头开出05,与前期相比点位上升,本期预测龙头点位不变,参考05; 图片 ​ Beaufort Scale Description Wind speed(knot) 0 Calm 无风 0 Sea like a mirror1 light air 软风 1-2Ripples but without foam crests2 Light breeze 轻风 3-6Small wavelets. Crests do no
Beaufort Scale of Wind 蒲福风级表 图片 ​ Beaufort Scale Description Wind speed(knot) 0 Calm 无风 0 Sea like a mirror1 light air 软风 1-2Ripples but without foam crests2 Light breeze 轻风 3-6Small wavelets. Crests do not break3 Gentle breeze 微风 7-10Large wavelets
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